FINRA Proposes Amendment to Rule 1220 for Firms Exempt from FINOP Requirement

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) filed  a proposed rule change with the Securities and Exchange Commission to amend FINRA Rule  Rule 1220(a)(4) (Financial and Operations Principal and Introducing Broker-Dealer Financial and Operations Principal) to: (1) Reflect that certain firms remain exempt from the requirement to designate an individual as a Financial and Operations Principal (‘‘FINOP’’) or an Introducing Broker- Dealer Financial and Operations Principal (‘‘Introducing FINOP’’); and (2) provide that the individual designated as Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer of these exempt firms is not required to be qualified and registered as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP.

The responsibilities of a designated Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer intersect with the responsibilities of a designated FINOP or Introducing FINOP. However, the responsibilities of a designated FINOP or Introducing FINOP are more specific in nature ( they are required to supervise individuals who assist in the preparation of financial reports). In addition, a member’s designated FINOP or Introducing FINOP is eligible to perform the responsibilities of a Principal Financial Officer and a Principal Operations Officer.  As stated in Regulatory Notice 17-30, the requirement to designate a Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer applies to all firms, including exempt firms. As a result, by October 1, 2018, exempt firms would have been required to designate as Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer an individual who is qualified and registered as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP ( the individual must have passed the Series 27 or Series 28 examination (or obtained a waiver of the examination) and registered in the CRD system with the designation FN or FI).

Exempt firms have noted that the responsibilities of a Principal Financial Officer and a Principal Operations Officer are functional equivalents to the responsibilities that a designated FINOP or Introducing FINOP would carry out at their firms. Exempt firms have also noted that, given their exempt status, they do not have an individual designated as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP to whom to assign the responsibilities of a Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer. Similarly, they do not have any other associated persons who are qualified and registered as a FINOP or an introducing FINOP ( individuals who have passed the Series 27 examination and registered in the CRD system with the designation FN) to whom to assign the specified responsibilities.

Therefore, exempt firms have stated that FINRA Rule 1220(a)(4)(B) would have the indirect impact of eliminating their FINOP and Introducing FINOP exemptions by requiring them to designate an individual who is qualified and registered as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP to carry out responsibilities that are functionally equivalent to those responsibilities that would otherwise be carried out by a designated FINOP or Introducing FINOP.

FINRA recognizes that the rule change would have the impact of eliminating longstanding exemptions that were granted to members, which was not the intended purpose of the rule change. The purpose of the rule change is to ensure that each member has designated individual(s) with primary responsibility for specified financial and operational functions carried out by the firm.  Accordingly, FINRA is proposing to amend FINRA Rule 1220(a)(4)(A) to reflect that exempt firms remain exempt from the requirements of FINRA Rule 1220(a)(4)(A).   FINRA is also proposing to amend FINRA Rule 1220(a)(4)(B) to provide that individuals designated as Principal Financial Officers and Principal Operations Officers of exempt firms are not required to be qualified and registered as FINOPs or Introducing FINOPs. FINRA Rule 1220(a)(4)(B) would continue to require exempt firms to designate an individual as a Principal Financial Officer and Principal Operations Officer to carry out specified financial and operational responsibilities, but such individual would not be required to be qualified and registered as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP.

FINRA reserves the right to require exempt firms to designate an individual as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP to carry out specified financial and operational responsibilities if changes occur in the circumstances under which the original exemption was granted, such as a substantial increase in business or the addition of new lines of  business. FINRA also may require exempt firms to designate an individual as a FINOP or an Introducing FINOP if FINRA determines that there is a material financial-related examination finding that would necessitate it.

FINRA filed the proposed rule change for immediate effectiveness and as such, the   implementation date was October 1, 2018, so as to coincide with the implementation date of the consolidated registration rules.