Legal Alerts

Comment Period is Open on FINRA’s Proposed Rule Amendments to Address the Financial Exploitation of Seniors

FINRA’s experience with its Securities Helpline for Seniors  has highlighted issues relating to financial exploitation of this group of investors.  Among these issues is a firm’s ability to quickly and … Continue reading Comment Period is Open on FINRA’s Proposed Rule Amendments to Address the Financial Exploitation of Seniors

FINRA Issues Guidance Relating to Firm Short Positions & Fails-to-Receive in Municipal Securities

FINRA issued Regulatory Notice 15-27 to remind firms engaging in municipal securities transactions that their written supervisory procedures should identify the process for detecting, resolving and preventing the consequences of firm short positions … Continue reading FINRA Issues Guidance Relating to Firm Short Positions & Fails-to-Receive in Municipal Securities

Online Delivery of the FINRA Regulatory Element of Continuing Education Approved

 The SEC  has approved amendments to FINRA Rule 1250 (Continuing Education Requirements) to provide for a Web-based delivery method for completing the Regulatory Element of the Continuing Education (CE) requirements. The CE requirements … Continue reading Online Delivery of the FINRA Regulatory Element of Continuing Education Approved

SEC Approves Amendments to the Codes of Arbitration Procedure to Increase the Fees Assessed for Late Cancellation or Postponement of a Hearing

The Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes (Customer Code) and the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes (Industry Code) (together, codes) govern the payments that FINRA makes to … Continue reading SEC Approves Amendments to the Codes of Arbitration Procedure to Increase the Fees Assessed for Late Cancellation or Postponement of a Hearing

FINRA Requests Comments Proposal to Restructure the Representative-Level Qualification Examination Program

FINRA has requested comments in Regulatory Notice 15-20 on a concept proposal to restructure the current representative-level qualification examination program into a format whereby all potential representative-level registrants would take a … Continue reading FINRA Requests Comments Proposal to Restructure the Representative-Level Qualification Examination Program

No-Action Guidance on Prompt Forwarding of Customer Funds with Subscription-Way Securities

In a major shift in policy with respect to the processing of customer checks by broker-dealers in subscription-way securities, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued a No … Continue reading No-Action Guidance on Prompt Forwarding of Customer Funds with Subscription-Way Securities